Catalyst Cares

When a crisis hits our community, city, or country, knowing how to respond can be difficult. It not only brings heightened pressure on a personal level, but an increased burden for those working in local and state government.  Providing timely services to their constituents matters most, and we’re acutely aware of the importance of a disaster recovery plan.

We’ve worked in the public sector for nearly 30 years. This has provided us with the experience needed to assess your current IT solutions, platforms and business processes. As a result, we can develop a disaster recovery plan that helps you manage the unexpected like few other can.

Our Catalyst Cares solutions support you as you assess our new normal, effectively communicate with constituents, and plan for the future. We develop each tenet for rapid implementation to meet the short timelines disasters often command.

State of South Carolina Governor's Office

A CRM system in tandem with social media management helped South Carolina's Governor's Office track and respond to resident concerns as they slowly re-opened their communities.

Cloud Call Center

Constituent Relationship Management

Communication Management

Reporting and Analytics

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City of Chicago Mayor's Office

By setting up social listening functions to monitor what Chicagoans were saying and feeling about COVID-19, the City was able to plan for and address residents' most pressing issues.

Communication Management

Constituent Relationship Management

Emergency Response Management

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State of South Carolina Dept. of Employment & Workforce

To address the growing number and urgency around residents seeking assistance, we built a communication management solution to respond to residents inquiries around unemployment claims quickly and collaboratively.

Communication Management

Constituent Relationship Management

Emergency Response Management

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Election Protection for Early Voting

Augment your election health & safety plan, with a quick and easy to implement, appointment-based voting solution for constituents.

Communication Management

Constituent Relationship Management

Emergency Response Management